SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. ski history : Tely Ho ! ... The history of Telemark - 16 November 2003 - 21:06

Once upon the time... in Norway, in the Telemarkland exactly (explaining the name of) a small town called  Morgedal, where the local people organized some ski race...
This race was just for the young man a occasion to improve their capability to move them on the two peace of wood helping them to stay up the snow, and all that certainly was just to impress the young ladies...and for hunting !

But, they didn't invented the ski by itself, it's existing since a long time ago : scientifics founded some very old drawings 5000 years old and some old wood skis fossilissed.

Let's come back in earlier years... during one of thiese competition in the 1868, a man called Sondre Norheim surprised everybody, he winned using a particularly new way of turning skiing down.... telemarking is born !

This technique was described like an elegant jump allowing to turn keeping your balance ! A revolution !!! This technique conquered all Europe in the coming years and the whole world later. Our grandparents used this technique until the appening of the "alpin skiing" which we know actually .  [xt] ski


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