Terms Starting with Letter: H

hallux - big toe, the one other than the digits

hematemsis - Vomiting of blood.

hematochezia - Passage of bloody stools, in contradistinction to melena, or tarry stools.

hematocrit - Percentage of volume of a blood sample occupied by cells

hematuria - Any condition in which the urine contains blood or red blood cells.

hemoptysis - The spitting of blood derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes as a result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.

hilum - 1.The part of an organ where the nerves and vessels enter and leave 2.A depression or slit resembling the hilum in the ovary in the ovialary nucleus of the brain.

hilum of lung - a wedge shaped depression on the mediastinal surface of each lung, where the bronchus, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics emerge from the medulla and through which blood vessels enter and leave the node.

hilum of lymph node - the depressed area of the lymph node through which tje efferent lymphatics emerge from the medulla and through which blood vessels enter and leave the node.

hilus - former word for hilum. See definintion for hilum. hydronephrosis - an accumulation of urine in the kidney due to the kinkning of the ureter which blocks the drainage of urine

hypercalcemia - An abnormally high concentration of calcium compounds in the circulating blood

hyperparathyoidism - A condition due to an increase in the secretion of parathyroids, causing elevated serum calcium, decreased serum phosphorus and increased excretion of calcium and phosphorus.

hypertrophy - increase in size

hypophosphatemia - Abnormally low concentrations of phosphates in the circulating blood

hypothyroidism - Diminished production of thyroid hormone, leading to thyroid insufficiency, low metabolic rate, and weight gain.

hypoxia - A decrease below normal levels of oxygen in inspired gases, arterial blood, or tissue.


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