Wednesday, 12 February 2025
[xt] timing

[xt] timing presents TAG Heuer Motorsport Timing Systems

TAG Heuer, the official timekeeper of Formula One, has long been respected in the motorsports community. [xt] timing and TAG Heuer have assisted car clubs with their timing needs. We specialize in lap timing (one car at a time), rally, rallycross, and autocross.

All TAG Heuer electronic timers work in time-of-day. This method is different from what you may have used in the past. Most older timers simply started at zero and counted up until the car finished and then reset to zero after giving the ET (elapsed time). The downside to that is if someone cross the finish line by accident(we all know it happens!) while a car was on course or the operator didn't know which car was to finish next due to an on-course occurrence.

The result of that is a lost time which no one is ever happy about. The use of time-of-day timers allows much greater flexibility to the timekeeper. When timekeeping begins, you simply enter the time of the day (9:00.000). Every event (car passing through the start or finish line) will be recorded as an event in time of day (Car #1…9:01:31.123).

Therefore, if a car is on course and a volunteer crosses the line, no big deal. You will already have the cars' start time-of-day on the tape and stored in memory. The volunteer will NOT stop the time for that car. You can "false finish" the volunteer or you can use the real time-of-day when the car does pass and calculate the ET by hand. It takes more time to do that but at least you didn't miss the time. Also, all events at the start and finish line are recorded for later review on the print out and stored in the memory of the device.

If your timer doesn't use time-of-day, give a TAG Heuer timer a try and you will quickly realize the benefits of no lost times at your event.

Below is a description of our best selling motorsports package:

TAG Heuer CP520 Printing Timer Click for pricing and specifications
(The manual is also available for download.)

TAG Heuer HL2-31 Reflector type photocells. Click for pricing and specifications
(Depending on your application, you will need (1) for lap timing or (2) for a separate start and finish line.)

Accessories needed:

Photocell tripods (customer will need to decide on desired height of the beams)
Extra box of paper for the timer.

Optional Accessories:

Always a crowd favorite is a display to show the spectators and competitors their elapsed time and running time while on course. TAG Heuer displays are state of the art with many features and superb durability. Click for pricing and specifications

The TAG Heuer HL960 can provide times that can be seen up to 300 feet away.

Tag Heuer CP 520 Chronoprinter - € 950 EURO

The most trusted name in sports timing is exclusively imported and distributed by RRS. Tag Heuer's custom chip technology allows each Chronoprinter to deliver amazing performance at affordable prices. Eagerly awaited by the market, this new gem of technology integrated all the experience that Tag Heuer has acquired in sports. It is the logical continuation of its predecessors (CP501, CP502, and CP505) much appreciated by timekeepers. The CP520 is useful for general time keeping of sporting events such as: alpine ski racing, nordic ski racing, autocross car racing, barrel horse racing, mountain bike events, road racing, and kayak racing. The new and improved thermal printer will allow for non stop printing with increased paper capacity (5,000 times) at a very quick 10 lines per second. Includes a plastic carrying case, extra roll of paper, batteries, and user manual. The CP520 - the hand held timer of the new millennium!

Chronoprinter 520 Technical Data
Time Base: ... Thermo compensated 8 MHz Quartz, +/- 1 ppm
Size: ... 9.34" x 4.25" x 2.5" ( L x W x H) inches
Printer: ... Thermal head, 24 characters per line
Power: ... 5 AA alkaline batteries

Related Items:
   Printer paper (Box of 10 rolls) ... € 25 EURO
   RS232 cable with 9-pin connector ... € 45 EURO
   External 12V DC Power supply ... € 70 EURO

HL2-31 Reflective Infrared Detector - € 510 EURO -- includes carry case

Uses reflector to create invisible barrier up to 70' wide.
10 KHz beam responds at 1/10,000 second!
Alignment and battery indicator.
Working contact output compatible with most timers.
Adjustable duration of output impulse (eliminates bounce).
Up to 100 hour operation from 3 internal "AA" batteries.
Outstanding immunity to sun and reflection.
Set includes infrared transceiver, reflector, 5 meter test cable.
External power jack.

TAG Heuer Display Boards

The HL series digital display boards respond to many application demands. They are compact and solid units that are easily transportable. Up to 10 displays can be linked together in series or in parallel to display a variety of timing and other numeric information. These displays are compatible with all TAG Heuer timing systems and can be driven directly by our PC software products. An internal clock in the displays allows for the autonomous use of the displays as a stand-alone device to display time-of-day or for use with any of the many automated functions as required for pay-to-race installations.

Tag Heuer Display Board Technical Specifications:
Data Communication: RS 232 at 9,600 bps for all types of data to be displayed
Time Base: Quartz oscillator for use as a stand-alone clock
Inputs: START and STOP for timing impulses, SYNCHRONIZATION, with time of day. Outputs: RS 232 connection to other displays
Temperature Range: -10°F to 120°F
   HL960: 21 lbs. / 63 x 13.25 x 6 inches
   HL965: 44 lbs. / 39 x 9 x 5 inches
   HL990: 33 lbs. / 60 x 9 x 5 inches
Power Supply: External 110 VAC input to 12VDC output.
Optional Internal Battery.
Digits: 6-inch electromagnetic numbers visible from 300 ft. away OR
10-inch electromagnetic numbers visible from 500 ft. away.

   HL960, 6-Digit (6" digits) ... € 2364 EURO
   HL965, 6-Digit (10" digits) ... € 3103 EURO
   HL990, 9-Digit* (6" digits) ... € 3657 EURO
* Shows Bib # & Time
   Internal Battery** for HL960/990 ... € 480 EURO
   Internal Battery** for HL965 ... € 554 EURO
** Includes external charger

Prices > Prices are quoted in € (EURO). Transport and packing is not included.
This list remains subject to technical and price alterations.
Deliveries > Most of the time from stock
Warranty > Tag Heuer products are guaranteed for two years as from date of delivery.

For orders, requests and more information in Bulgaria
send a message to auto[xt] or
call to +359 88 223230.

Order and info e-mail:

TAG HEUER timing systems
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